Temperature: 0f deg
Humidity: 86%
Snow Type: New
- Kick Wax
- Toko 3 layers of X-Cold or 6 layers of Rode Special Green
- Toko green Base Binder thin layer. https://tokous.com/video-base-green-binder-application-cross-country/
- Try waxing longer in front if you are slipping
- Glide Wax
- Toko LF Blue or Swix CH 4
- X-Cold Power (drip on wax then sprinkle on the cold power and iron in together)
- Notes
- X-Cold Power hardens the ski bases making wax more durable and glide better in cold dry conditions (squeaky snow)
- The Goldstream Sport Ski trail is packed and ready for skiing. Tracks will be set later this week.