Temperature: 0 to -20f deg
Humidity: 74%
Snow Type: Old
- Kick Wax
- Toko 2 layers of X-Cold or 6 layers of Rode Special Green
- Toko green Base Binder thin layer. https://tokous.com/video-base-green-binder-application-cross-country/
- Try waxing longer in front if you are slipping
- Glide Wax
- Toko LF Blue or Swix CH 4
- X-Cold Power (drip on wax then sprinkle on the cold power and iron in together)
- . https://tokous.com/video-applying-xcold-powder
- Notes
- X-Cold Power hardens the ski bases making wax more durable and glide better in cold dry conditions (squeaky snow)
- The Goldstream Sport Ski trail is not groomed and will not be for another week or so. Our snow machine is in for major repairs. Goldstream Sports covers the grooming expense at about $2000 a year for routine maintenance and fuel costs not counting time spent. This repair will cost between $1800 and $2600 on a SWT Skandic. This is more then the store can absorb at this time so we are asking for donations. We would appreciate your support. Donations can be dropped off at the shop or called in with a credit card. Thanks you.